


The Luxurious Flavors of Koshunoya’s Aged Sake Curry

aged sake curry at koshunoya

Koshunoya, one of the most singular spots on Awaji Island, offers aged sake from around the world and a unique sake blending experience you won’t find anywhere else. This summer, they have introduced a new menu item: aged sake curry, combining their specialty sake with their beloved curry.
Excited to hear more? We’ll tell you all about it!

The Taste of Summer-Limited Aged Sake Curry

This special summer-limited menu is made with great care and features plenty of Awaji beef and Awaji onions, both renowned delicacies of Awaji Island. Awaji beef is celebrated as one of Japan’s finest beef varieties, while Awaji onions are much sweeter than average onion.

These ingredients have been combined with Koshunoya’s famed specialties—curry and aged sake—creating a unique and very special dish.

You might be wondering how it tastes and think this is just a normal curry but, let me assure you, it’s not. The dish has a depth and complexity of taste and richness, thanks to the aged sake, without being overpowering. You might be surprised to find it’s actually delicately spicy and incredibly aromatic, again thanks to the aged sake. The grilled local vegetables from Awaji Island complement the dish perfectly.

If you are excited, why don’t you try this limited dish? It’s only available for the summer.

What Makes Koshunoya Very Popular?

The fact that aged sake is popular at Koshunoya has been mentioned several times. But is it really that special? Well, Koshunoya is incredibly well-known for it, making it very well renowned. However, what makes the place truly special is not just the restaurant, but the unique experience of sake blending that it offers.

Imagine having a vast variety of sake in one place, and tasting them while blending different flavors youself. With the guidance of a expert sommelier, this experience is exciting and fun, even for beginners!

You can enjoy all of this while gazing at the beautiful ocean of Awaji Island. In the evening, the sunset is simply breathtaking. It’s easy to see why this area is known as one of Japan’s “best 100 sunset spots”. The delightful experience, delicious food, and stunning views make Koshunoya a truly special place.

Click here for reservations

Name SEIKAIHA – Koshunoya
Address 70 Nojima-okawa, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-1723
Tel 0799-70-9020
Website https://awaji-seikaiha.com/kosyunoya/
Reservations https://www.tablecheck.com/en/shops/awaji-seikaiha/reserve
Operation Hours 11:30~21:00 (L.O. 20:00)
Closed: Thursdays

Click here for details of SEIKAIHA – Koshunoya