Embark on the ultimate challenge! Limited to elementary school students, the Crayon Shin-chan’s Adventure Park Winter Event offers three courses to conquer, earning participants an official certificate upon completion. The athletic facility “Appare! Sengoku Daiboken! (The Great Warring States Adventure!)” within the Crayon Shin-chan Adventure Park is a massive attraction highly popular among children, inspired by the Crayon Shin-chan movies.
Navigate the outer perimeter, overcoming thrilling obstacles such as bouldering, Tarzan ropes, and more on the “Mononoke Ninja Course.” Traverse a 4.5m height with a single rope and swing on a swing while progressing through the “Ashigaru Course.” To earn the certificate, one must conquer the most daunting “Samurai General Course” with obstacles set as high as 8m. So head to Nijigen no Mori this winter to have some fun activities together as a family!
Table of Contents
Shin-chan’s Winter Adventure Certificate Overview
Event Period
Until February 29, 2024 (Thursday)
Obstacle course The Great Warring States Adventure! within Crayon Shin-chan Adventure Park.
Children who successfully clear all three courses – “Mononoke Ninja Course,” “Ashigaru Course,” and “Samurai General Course” – will be presented with an original certificate as proof of conquering the adventure.
Age of Children
Elementary school students
Admission Fee
- Moretsu Set (Child) / 3,400 yen
- Upperre Set (Child) / 3,000 yen
*All prices are inclusive of tax and limited to the winter season.
*Adults not participating in the attraction will need to purchase a separate accompanying ticket.
Address | 2425-2 Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-2301 |
TEL | 0799-64-7061 |
Website | https://nijigennomori.com/ |
Reservations | https://ticket.nijigennomori.com/en/ |
Operation Hours | Everyday10:00-22:00 *Each attraction has a different last reception time and closing time. |