The tale of Hatake Kakashi and his father Sakumo in the “White Fang of Konoha” special mission begins on October 7th (Saturday)! In this untold story, witness the bond between Kakashi and Sakumo, and the smiles that Kakashi used to wear before losing Sakumo.
It’s a story that fans have been eagerly waiting for and can only be experienced in the NARUTO & BORUTO Shinobi-Zato! As a reward for participating in the mission, you can obtain an exclusive “Acrylic Keyholder”.
White Fang of Konoha Special Mission Overview
At Nijigen no Mori’s “NARUTO & BORUTO Shinobi-Zato”, we are pleased to announce the launch of an original story-based puzzle-solving game called “NARUTO – Shippuden × Dramatic Puzzle-Solving Game: Konoha Special Mission #20 – The White Fang of Konoha.” This game takes place during an original story where Hatake Kakashi and his father Sakumo take on a mission together. Participants can enjoy the puzzle-solving game while experiencing a joint mission of young Kakashi and his father Sakumo.
Kakashi, who graduated from the academy at the young age of 5 and became a ninja, teams up with his father Sakumo to take on the “Parent-Child Challenge! Test of Skills Mission” held during the festival in the Hidden Leaf Village. By making use of ninja tools and summoning jutsu, participants can complete the mission.
As a reward for completing the mission, an original sticker will be given as a gift! Additionally, there will be an original design panel featuring Kakashi and Sakumo. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture precious moments with both of them together!
Event Schedule | October 7th (Sat) – December 31st (Sun) |
Business Hours | 10:00~22:00 (last reception 20:00) |
Admission Fee | 1,500 yen (tax included) *Separate admission ticket to the NARUTO & BORUTO Shinobi-Zato required. |
Disclaimer: Event may require vast knowledge on Japanese language.
©Masashi Kishimoto Scott/Shueisha, TV Tokyo, Pierrot
Address | 2425-2 Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-2301 |
TEL | 0799-64-7061 |
Website | |
Reservations | |
Operation Hours | Everyday10:00-22:00 *Each attraction has a different last reception time and closing time. |