


The Hokage Rock from the Anime “NARUTO” Appears in Full Size on Awaji Island, Japan

Naruto is a widely acclaimed Japanese manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. The story follows the journey of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with dreams of becoming the most respected figure in his village, Konohagakure, or the Hidden Leaf Village. For fans of the series, the Hokage Rock (火影岩, Hokage-iwa), which features the carved faces of all previous Hokage, is one of the most iconic landmarks in the village. But did you know that a real-life version of the Hokage Rock exists at Nijigen no Mori on Awaji Island?

Life-sized Hokage Rock on Awaji Island, Japan

hokage rock - nijigen

While the original Hokage Rock is a symbol within the Naruto storyline, a replica was constructed at Nijigen no Mori on Awaji Island. This replica faithfully portrays the faces of the first five Hokage, commemorating their pivotal roles in the Naruto series and their significance within the Hidden Leaf Village’s narrative. Each carved face serves as a tribute to these legendary leaders, reflecting the deep history and legacy they left behind in shaping the village and guiding its future generations.

This 11-meter-tall Hokage Rock is a tribute to the influential leaders of the Hidden Leaf Village, allowing fans and visitors to step into the world of Naruto. It offers a tangible connection between the fictional universe and its enthusiastic fan base, deepening the sense of nostalgia and adventure. By visiting Nijigen no Mori, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Naruto, take in the views of the Hokage Rock, and capture a memorable photo to commemorate your journey into this beloved anime world.

The Legendary Hokage Rock in the Anime “NARUTO”

The Hokage Rock structure showcases the carved faces of the Hokage, the highest-ranking ninja in the village who serves as its leader and protector. Each Hokage is honored with their visage carved into the rock, symbolizing their contributions and legacies to the village.

As the Hokage changes throughout the series, the rock serves as a constant reminder of the past, present, and future leaders of the village. It embodies the values and virtues that each Hokage brought to Konoha, inspiring current and future generations of ninja.

The names of the Hokage, in chronological order, carved onto the Hokage Rock are: Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze, and Tsunade. Each Hokage contributed uniquely to the village, shaping its history and character through their leadership and sacrifices.

As the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju co-founded Konoha and established its political and social infrastructure. He aimed to create peace and stability in the shinobi world. Tobirama Senju succeeded his brother, Hashirama, as the Second Hokage. He implemented various key aspects of Konoha’s infrastructure, including the creation of the Academy and the formation of key ninja institutions. Hiruzen Sarutobi, known as the “Professor” and the “Third Hokage,” protected the village during times of conflict and worked to maintain stability.

Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, was a highly skilled and respected ninja known for his incredible speed and intellect. He was instrumental in developing the Flying Thunder God Technique and played a crucial role in protecting the village during the Nine-Tails attack, sacrificing his life to seal the beast within his son, Naruto. Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, brought a unique perspective as the first female Hokage. She revitalized the village after it had suffered significant losses during previous conflicts.  

The Hokage Rock at Nijigen no Mori doesn’t feature the Sixth and Seventh Hokage, but their story continues beyond the main anime series. The Sixth Hokage is Kakashi Hatake, a ninja renowned for his genius intellect, tactical prowess, and mastery of the Sharingan. His leadership follows a period of great upheaval and reflects his calm, pragmatic approach to guiding the village.

We can’t overlook the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, the series’ central character. After years of personal growth and tremendous effort, Naruto realizes his lifelong dream of becoming Hokage. His journey from a lonely outcast to the hero who saved the world underscores his determination and the powerful theme of overcoming adversity through friendship and perseverance.

Ninja Experience at NARUTO & BORUTO Shinobi-Zato

“NARUTO & BORUTO SHINOBI-ZATO” is an attraction inspired by the iconic anime series. This themed adventure offers a 3D maze, mission rallies, puzzles, and tasks set in the shinobi world. Participants engage in missions to repair disrupted chakra seals, including challenges like restoring tampered seals and completing specific tasks outlined in scrolls. It’s an immersive, ninja-themed experience for fans and visitors, providing an opportunity to dive into the exciting universe of Naruto and Boruto. You can even try a bowl of Naruto’s favorite Ichiraku ramen at Nijigen no Mori!

Do you have a dream, just like Naruto, to become Hokage? Visiting here might just help you take a step closer to realizing that goal!

©岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

Click here for reservations

Address 2425-2 Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-2301
TEL 0799-64-7061
Website https://nijigennomori.com/
Reservations https://ticket.nijigennomori.com/en/
Operation Hours Everyday10:00-22:00
*Each attraction has a different last reception time and closing time.

Click here for details of NIJIGEN NO MORI