

Tax Free for Foreign Tourists at Koshunoya

Koshunoya offers tax exemption on sake purchase for foreign tourists. As Japanese cuisine gains global popularity, Japanese sake, the country’s national alcohol, is also becoming a sought-after souvenir overseas. Koshunoya specializes in long-aged sake, offering a wide selection of sweet, fragrant, and sour sake that provides a deeply satisfying taste at the shop on 1F and the bar on 2F.

At Koshunoya, guests can indulge in a remarkable selection of 42 meticulously chosen vintage sake, shochu, and plum wine sourced from over 100 esteemed sake breweries across Japan. These exclusive beverages, aged for over a decade, boast an exquisite aroma and captivating flavors that will elevate your dining experience.

At the bar, guests are presented with an exclusive chance to compare five to ten different sake varieties, allowing people to cultivate their palate and become a true experts of sake. Our sommelier’s expertise will guide guests through this flavorful journey, ensuring an educational and enjoyable experience.

Guests can immerse themselves in Koshunoya ambiance, featuring a superb ocean view that adds an extra touch of enchantment to their memorable drinking session. As they relish the artistry of each sip, they will find themselves enchanted by the harmonious fusion of Japanese and Western cuisine, thoughtfully paired to complement the nuanced flavors of the beverages.

Before bidding farewell to this extraordinary experience, guests also have the opportunity to purchase their favorite sake for themselves or as souvenirs, ensuring the delight continues even after guests are going home.

Click here for reservations

Name SEIKAIHA – Koshunoya
Address 70 Nojima-okawa, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-1723
Tel 0799-70-9020
Website https://awaji-seikaiha.com/kosyunoya/
Reservations https://www.tablecheck.com/en/shops/awaji-seikaiha/reserve
Operation Hours 11:30~21:00 (L.O. 20:00)
Closed: Thursdays

Click here for details of SEIKAIHA – Koshunoya