


What is Humanity’s Future? Find out at Expo 2025

expo 2025 - future society idea

Have you ever imagined what the future might look like 5, 10, or 20 years from now? What revolutionary changes in technology lifestyle will shape our future society?

Answers to these thrilling questions might be found at Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan, to be held from April 13 to October 13.

Let’s explore the future society conceptualized for the upcoming Expo 2025.

Future Society 5.0: Technology, Innovation, and Happiness

Our ideal is happiness for each and every person, leaving no one behind.
To that end, the arena that humanity must work together to find is the Future City.

(from the official website by Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition)

This combination of “happiness,” “technology,” and “innovation” is what future society aims to achieve, as envisioned by Expo 2025. The concept of Society 5.0 involves making the most of advanced technology and innovation to solve societal problems, whether in the natural environment, society, or our own private lives, ultimately creating a happier and more sustainable society.

expo 2025 - future society

Expo 2025 will showcase the continuous evolution of society from the birth of civilization to the 21st century world of Society 5.0. From the past to the future, this grand narrative spans various fields and covers numerous problems and potential solutions in vital areas including transportation and mobility, environment and energy, manufacturing and urban development, and food and agriculture.

Check out this article for more on specific technologies and innovations featured at Expo 2025.

Embracing the Future of Society with Gratitude

expo 2025 thank you life

Thank You, Life

A short but powerful sentiment. The Pasona Group Pavilion, “PASONA NATUREVERSE”, embraces the concept, “Thank you, Life”, and features various exhibits under the theme of “Body, Mind, and Bonds”, showcasing the current state of medical technology.

This concept emphasizes that overall well-being needs a wholistic approach that brings together considerations of physical, mental and social dimensions. Physical health relies heavily on nutrition, while mental and societal health thrives on a community spirit of mutual support.

The centerpiece of the pavilion will be a living heart created from stem cells and the most advanced bioengineering techniques. The heart, standing as a complex symbol of life itself, has now been made with the expertise of Dr. Yoshiki Sawa, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, a pioneer in regenerative medicine using iPS cells.

As part of the “Thank you, Life” concept, Expo 2025 will share with the world transformative technologies that may irrevocably alter our collective destiny, including iPS cells and iPS myocardial sheets.

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iPS heart currently under development (provided by Cuorips Inc.)

Want to know more about the “Thank you, Life” concept at Expo 2025? Check out this article!

Is the Future Society Achievable?

The vision of a future where happiness prevails and environmental, social, and lifestyle problems have been solved—can this ever be more than a mere wish? The answers to this fundamental question may lie at the heart of the Society 5.0 envisioned at the upcoming World’s Fair.

No one can doubt that the power and promise of technology is advancing at an amazing rate in various fields from agriculture to medicine. However, just as AI can be used to save lives in the operating room, it can also be used to destroy lives on the battlefield. Every technological innovation is a double-edged blade holding the possibilities of both salvation and destruction. How shall we as humans, wield such power?

This is the significance of the sentiment, “Thank you, Life.” Through gratitude for all life, we learn to treasure the undeniable bonds that connect us with every other living being on the planet. This is the principle that might give direction to humanity’s progress, a compass for the many significant decisions that will have to be made in the near future.

So, is the future society envisioned by Expo 2025 possible? The ideal is close, the technology in many cases, is already real. If society can stay connected by a shared sense of gratitude for each other and life itself, then a paradise on earth may truly be within our grasp.