


Tell Your Fortune With Naruto-themed Mizu Mikuji on Awaji Island

mizu mikuji at Naruto theme park

Have you ever heard of Mizu Mikuji? It is a unique form of fortune-telling found at certain shrines in Japan, where messages appear on paper when it is placed in water. Now, you can experience this at the Naruto Theme Park on Awaji Island, with a special twist: the Mizu Mikuji here are Naruto-themed! This is a one-of-a-kind experience you won’t find anywhere else!

What is Mizu Mikuji?

Mizu Mikuji, also known as “water paper fortunes”, is a unique type of omikuji (fortune-telling slips) found in various shrines across Japan. Unlike the traditional version, which reveals their messages immediately, Mizu Mikuji appears blank until put in water. When placed into the shrine’s sacred pools, the water reveals hidden messages on the paper, believed to be particularly accurate and insightful due to the divine presence of water deities at these shrines.


As part of the “NARUTO & BORUTO SHINOBI-ZATO Samidare Festival” during the rainy season on Awaji Island, the Naruto Theme Park NARUTO & BORUTO SHINOBI-ZATO is offering a unique experience. The park is hosting various campaigns, and one highlight is the Naruto-themed Mizu Mikuji.

This special omikuji features a unique gimmick: when floated on the water, your fortune appears alongside popular characters from “Naruto Shippuden”, such as Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. During the event, a dedicated water fortune-telling space will be beautifully decorated with hydrangeas, making it the perfect activity to enjoy during the rainy season on Awaji Island.

Event Details

Limited to the rainy season, NARUTO & BORUTO SHINOBI-ZATO at the Naruto Theme Park on Awaji Island is selling an exclusive original omikuji. These special fortunes reveal your message along with popular Naruto characters.

Event period: May 25th – July 14th

Fee: 300 yen (tax included)
*A separate attraction admission ticket is required.


Click here for reservations

Address 2425-2 Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-2301
TEL 0799-64-7061
Website https://nijigennomori.com/
Reservations https://ticket.nijigennomori.com/en/
Operation Hours Everyday10:00-22:00
*Each attraction has a different last reception time and closing time.

Click here for details of NIJIGEN NO MORI