Demon Slayer is an anime sensation that has stolen the hearts of millions across the globe. With its spellbinding narrative, breathtaking animation, and unforgettable characters, this series has built an enormous and devoted fanbase while achieving unprecedented success. Nijigen no Mori, a remarkable anime theme park nestled on Awaji Island, is doing a collaboration with Demon Slayer, hosting an exclusive time-limited event.
Nijigen no Mori serves as a portal into the captivating realms of anime, manga, and pop culture. With its mesmerizing attractions and immersive experiences, Nijigen no Mori invites visitors to immerse themselves in their beloved franchises. The current most popular attraction of the park is none other than the ” Demon Slayer Night Walk: Swordsmith Village” – a night walk event that flawlessly encapsulates the daunting world of demon slayer.
Table of Contents
Reproduction of the Swordsmith Village Forest from Demon Slayer
Prepare to be transported to the daunting world of Demon Slayer as you embark on an unforgettable night walk through a 1.2-kilometer forest at Nijigen no Mori. Brace yourself for an exhilarating experience that utilizes cutting-edge projection mapping and other immersive techniques to faithfully recreate the epic battles between Kamado Tanjiro, Hashira, and the menacing demons within The Swordsmith Village.
As an apprentice swordsmith, you will assume the pivotal role of taking on challenging missions, all aimed at collecting essential items necessary for the forging of the ultimate sword.
The journey begins at the starting point, where you will immediately sense the slightly eerie ambiance, reminiscent of venturing into a forest at night. However, you will also be able to witness vibrant and colorful lighting that envelops you in your surroundings. This clever use of lighting not only guides your way but also transports you into the world of Demon Slayer.
At various intervals, you will be treated to animation videos from the series, skillfully combined with projection mapping techniques. This fusion of visuals and effects creates breathtaking scenes and an atmosphere that stays true to the anime’s essence.
Keep an eye out for props and elements carefully placed along the route that will evoke fond memories of the anime’s most memorable moments. While it is not possible to reveal too much to avoid spoilers, I can assure you that, by the time you conclude your night walk, you will be brimming with contentment and satisfaction, as though you have truly embarked on a journey that transported you directly into the Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village.
Enjoy night walk events and daytime events
In addition to the night walk event of Demon Slayer, you can also immerse yourself in the daytime events at Nijigen no Mori. Join the challenge of two distinct riddle-solving games, each tailored to different difficulty levels, designed to test your knowledge within the captivating world of Demon Slayer. As you explore the park, be captivated by character panels adorned with breathtaking original ufotable (studio of Demon Slayer) illustrations, bringing to life the iconic moments and beloved characters of the series.
Put your problem-solving skills to the test, crack the intricate puzzles, and seize the opportunity to claim an exclusive original wooden strap as your well-deserved prize. Indulge in an array of exclusive merchandise and savor delectable original dishes inspired by Kamado Tanjiro, Kanroji Mitsuri, and Tokito Muichiro, making your visit to Nijigen no Mori an unforgettable celebration of the Demon Slayer universe.
Click here to see the latest updates of the collaboration.
Hours of Operation
1) 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM (daytime event)
2) 5:30 PM – 8:45 PM (nighttime event)
Event lasts until: January 27, 2024 (Saturday)
About the Anime Theme Park Nijigen no Mori
Nijigen no Mori is a popular entertainment complex on Awaji Island that showcases the rich world of Japanese anime. The theme park features various immersive anime experiences and serves as a hub for anime enthusiasts and fans of Japanese pop culture. Nijigen no Mori attracts a diverse range of visitors, including domestic and international tourists. With its unique attractions and immersive experiences, Nijigen no Mori allows visitors from around the world to indulge in their favorite franchises such as Naruto & Boruto, Dragon Quest, Godzilla, and Demon Slayer.
Address | 2425-2 Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Pref. 656-2301 |
TEL | 0799-64-7061 |
Website | |
Reservations | |
Operation Hours | Everyday10:00-22:00 *Each attraction has a different last reception time and closing time. |